Validation of the Van Gelderen Family Care Rubric (VGFCR)
Investigators: Stacey Van Gelderen, DNP, RN; Marilyn Swan, PhD, RN; Ashley Engebretson BS, RN; Amanda Garrow PhD, RN; Amanda Miller MS, RN; Angela Hancock PhD, RM, RN; Sabrina Ehmke MSN, RN; Lisa McConnell, MS, RN; Yazan Aljamal, MBBS; Danyel Germain DNP, RN

L to R: Angela Hancock, Jo Cookson
& Stacey Van Gelderen; Vicky as
'Mama Natalie'
Dr. Stacey Van Gelderen, Dr. Marilyn Swan and Ms. Ashley Engebretson tested the modified Van Gelderen Family Care Rubric for validity and inter-rater reliability at four international sites and for the first time with practicing nurses, students, and researchers from a peer-review perspective. A total of seven researchers and 210 practicing nurses and students tested the rubric during the summer and fall of 2018. The rubric's aim is to assist nursing staff and students build family-care and communication skills and offer focused feedback during debrief following simulation. The rubric was found to be a reliable and valid tool in assisting educators in development of student and nursing staff's family-care and communication skills. The completed research manuscript has been accepted for publication to the premier Clinical Simulation in Nursing Journal. This research was supported and funded by the Glen Taylor Nursing Institute for Family and Society.
Van Gelderen, S., Engebretson, A., Miller, A., Hancock, A., Ehmke, S., Swan, M., & Garrow, A. (2019). A family-care rubric: Developing family-care and communication skills using simulation, Clinical Simulation in Nursing (In press).