International Family Nursing Association

Nurses transforming health for families worldwide.

Mission: The mission of the International Family Nursing Association (IFNA) is to transform family health by:

  1. Serving as a unifying force and voice for family nursing globally;
  2. Sharing knowledge, practices, and skills to enhance and nurture family nursing practice; and,
  3. Providing family nursing leadership through education, research, scholarship, socialization and collegial exchange on all aspects of family nursing.

IFNA and research of families:

IFNA is the “go-to” association for those doing family research. IFNA members address some of the unique issues and challenges of treating the family (or family sub-system) as the unit of study and analysis. All research themes identified in the current NINR strategic plan (Symptom Science, Wellness, Self-Management, EoL) are areas where family research is critical to continuing to advance the science and inform practice. IFNA is the “research home” for investigators doing family research. IFNA is a global community of nurse scholars and practitioners representing 34 countries who are actively contributing to the health and healing of families.

Why nurses participate in IFNA:

  1. To interact with a global community of nurse scholars and practitioners who care about the health and healing of families.
  2. To assist in creating and exchanging NEW theory, research, practice, education, and policy about families and the nursing of families.
  3. To collaborate, lead, and mentor colleagues from around the world who share a passion for family nursing research, practice, education, and theory. For example, a subcommittee of the Research Committee is dedicated to fostering international collaboration among members.
  4. To communicate directly with one another, share gifts and resources, and learn from each other through twitter and the IFNA website.
  5. To network and exchange new knowledge at biennial IFNA meetings. 13th International Family Nursing Conference, June 14 – 17, 2017, Pamplona, Spain at the University of Navarra.
  6. To access experts and consultants in family nursing research, practice, and education.
  7. To identify and discuss potential employment opportunities in educational and clinical settings.
  8. To learn about various methods of integrating family nursing content into baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs.