Please note: The following links have all been checked, but because of the nature of the Internet, links may change and also following a series of links may lead a child to almost anywhere. Because of this, adults should supervise children while they browse the Web.
Some Great Places to Visit (and Other "Good Stuff")
A few web sites to make you smile;-)
Games and activities for the kids
- A collection of cute games - none are very complicated, and most are entertaining! (May not open on Firefox)
- Play Name that candy bar just by looking at a cross section! and other fun stuff from the Thinking Fountain.
- Tictactoe and other interactive games
- FunTime has lots of fun activities.
- The Best Sites for Kids
- KidsCom a Communications Playground for kids ages 8-14
- Nick Jr. - parents and other adults must be accompanied by a preschooler.
Comics and magazines for kids
- Peanuts
- The Dilbert Zone
- Calvin and Hobbes Comics Galley.
- Sports Illustrated for Kids
Science Sites for the kids
- How Stuff Works
- Discovery Kids - the good place to explore for games, videos, science information and fun!
last modified August 27, 2016