

My father is my inspiration for writing this paper. He is gifted with more natural talent than anybody deserves to get. He is an artist (in fact a commercial artist by trade prior to his retirement), a musician, even tempered, good at math and a hard worker. He is loyal to his friends and tolerant of his more than aggravating family. He is also a stutterer. Like me. There is no way to know how different his life would have been had he not been.

As a stutterer you know what I'm talking about. My life was irreparably altered by my inability to communicate. I could never be James Bond. The modern world is called the Information Age. That is exactly what it is and the primary way to exchange information - even more than e-mail - is the spoken word. If you can't exchange information via speech you are severely limited in life options. You have to adjust your ambitions, dreams, employment, even your social circle around your impediment.

If you can make this system work for you as it has for me, than there will come a time when rather than dreading such daily activities as answering the phone or meeting people you will be able to speak fluidly in situations that range from one-on-one interactions to presentations to large groups. You will be free. Good luck and stick with it.