Recent Medical Studies Regarding Stuttering

How I Conquered Stuttering
(or at least caged it)

By W. Drew Crowder, MBA

To Dad, thank you for all you have
done, and I'm sorry I didn't do this earlier.
To Mom, thank you for making me who I
am, and now I hope you understand.

Non-Copyright 2003. Copy it, distribute it, quote it, edit it, help yourself. If it can help one person vault over the Wall it will all have been more than worth it.

Table of Contents:


Chapter1: Stuttering: One Person's Perception

Chapter 2: My Particular Type of Stuttering

Chapter 3: The Problem With Current Speech Therapy Techniques

Chapter 4: The Mental Gymnastics

Chapter 5: The Payoff

Chapter 6: Beyond the Wall


Appendix I: Recent Medical Studies Regarding Stuttering

Appendix II: Famous Stutterers