Henry Street Consortium

People talking People listening
Keynote "Partner for Impact" with Dr. Susan Zahner Stimulates Discussion at HSC Conference

The vision of the Henry Street consortium is to build a quality population-based public health nursing workforce to meet the needs of public health practice in the 21st century. With a mission to maintain a dynamic sustainable partnership between public health nursing education and practice to respond to needs for innovation and change in baccalaureate nursing education. The goals include:
• Ensure the continuation of the Henry Street Consortium as a viable, flexible, and sustainable partnership between public health nursing and education and practice.
• Create teaching-learning strategies to promote achievement of entry-level population-based PHN competencies for students and novice PHN staff.

The Glen Taylor Nursing Institute was a sponsor for the Henry Street Consortium Conference, Leading the Way: Partnering Education and Practice for the Emerging Public Health Nursing Workforce in October, 2018. SON faculty had a significant role in the Henry Street Consortium with Dr. Kelly Krumwiede as a planner and presenter. A presentation Academic-Critical Access Hospital Partnership: Conducting a Community Health Needs Assessment by Dr. Kelly Krumwiede and Dr. Norma Krumwiede highlighted the partnership model developed with SON and the Glen Taylor Nursing Institute for Family and Society.