Induction Ceremony

2010 Induction AwardsEach year, the sport management program hosts the Cambria Sport Management Dinner of Distinction held at the Mankato Golf Club in April. This dinner was created to recognize current leaders in the field of sport business and recognize students of the sport management program. The focus is to celebrate the passing of another school year and recognize accomplishments of deserving individuals.

In 2010 the Cambria Sport Business Hall of Fame inductions first occurred at the annual banquet. The induction ceremony includes an announcement of the inductee and a brief description as to why they are being inducted, a speech by someone close to the award winner introducing them and explaining their accomplishments, a speech from the award winner, and finally the acceptance of the award.

Soon after the induction, the award winner will have a bio included on the Cambria Sport Business Hall of Fame website as well as a plaque hung on the hall of fame wall located near Myer’s Field House on the Minnesota State University, Mankato campus.