Hans-Peter deRuiter
PhD, RN | Director, Taylor Nursing Institute for Family and Society
Taylor Nursing Institute for Family and Society
2009 to Present
Affiliate Faculty Positions
- University of Minnesota – Center for Bioethics (2015 – Present)
- University of Applied Sciences, St Pölten, Austria – Guest professor (2018-present)
- Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden - Visiting professor and Co-investigator (2017 - Present)
Educational Background
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Toronto (2012-2013)
- PhD in Nursing (Minor in Bioethics), University of Minnesota (2008)
- MS in Nursing, Winona State University (2004)
- BS in Nursing (Minor in Psychology), University of the State of New York (1996)
- Diploma in Mental Health Nursing, St Willibrordus Psychiatric Center, The Netherlands (1989)
- Diploma in General Nursing, School of Nursing at the Free University, Amsterdam (1987)
Teaching Areas
- Mental Health and Psychosocial Nursing
- Ethics
- Nursing Leadership, Administration and Labor Issues
- Global Health
Research Interests
- Ethics of Health Technology
- Global Health and Citizenship
- Mental Health
- Institutional Ethnography
- 2018 Minnesota Nurses Association – Educator of the Year
- 2012 Minnesota Nurses Association - Researcher of the Year
- 2011 Minnesota State University, Mankato - Global Citizen Award
- 2006 University of Minnesota - Graduate Assistant of the Year
- 2001 University of the State of New York - Silver Anniversary Alumnus Performance Award
Current Memberships
- Minnesota Nurses Organization for Registered Nurses
- Jacques Ellul Society
- Sigma Theta Tau International
- Society for the Study of Social Problems
- Minnesota Nurses Association
- American Nurses Association
Selected Publications
- Nygren, J. M., & de Ruiter, H. P. (2020). Examining the Ethical Implications of Health Care Technology Described in US and Swedish PhD Dissertations: Protocol for a Scoping Review. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(1), e14157.
- de Ruiter, H.P., & Skärsäter, I. (2020) Introducing a Future-Oriented Approach to Health-are Technologies and Welfare Policies: An Innovative Ethics Project in Sweden, Creative Nursing, 26(1) e35-e39.
- de Ruiter, H. P., Liaschenko, J., & Angus, J. (2016). Problems with the electronic health record. Nursing Philosophy, 17(1), 49-58.
- de Ruiter, H. P. (2016). Barriers to teaching social determinants of health: Nursing study-abroad programs in a digital age. Creative Nursing, 22(4), 254-258.
- O'Hara, M., & de Ruiter, H. P. (2015). From High Touch to High Tech: A Conversation With Maureen O'Hara, BSN, RN, OCN. Creative nursing, 21(4), 228-233.
- de Ruiter H.P., Liaschenko, J (2011) To lift or not to lift: patient-handling practices. American Association of Occupational Health Nurses Journal. Aug: 59(8) 337-43
- de Ruiter H.P., Freeman D., Hughes R., Sellers R,. (2011), Ethics at the bedside: A Conversation, Creative Nursing Creative Nursing 17(2):96-103
- de Ruiter H.P., Demma J. (2011) Nursing: The Skill and Art of Being in a Society of Multitasking, Creative Nursing Creative Nursing 17(1): 25-29
- de Ruiter, H-P, (2008) Defining Nursing: A Linguistic View. Creative nursing, 14(4), 186-187
- de Ruiter, H-P, (2007) Quantifying Nursing: Caring or Catastrophe ? Creative nursing, 13(2), 10-12
- de Ruiter, H-P (2006). The safety paradox. Creative nursing, 12(3), 4-7
- Meittunen, E. de Ruiter, H.-P. Gavin, C. Implementation of an Internet fire response form to improve the drill response process. Journal of Emergency Management 2003 Fal1(3):37-41.
- Greene, H., de Ruiter, H.-P., Atkins, N., Banks, I, L, B., Nelson, J & Rahn, D (2002). Diabetes expertise: a subspecialty on a general medical unit. MedSurg Nursing, 11(5), 281-288.
- de Ruiter, H.-P. (2001). NAs aid RN retention. Nursing Management (Recruitment & Retention Report), 32(11), 39-40.
- de Ruiter, H.-P., & Hofner- Saphiere, D. (2001). Nurse Leaders as Cultural Bridges. JONA, 31(9), 418-423.
- de Ruiter, H.-P., & Larsen, K., E. (2002). Developing a Transcultural Patient Care Web Site. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(1), 61-67.
- de Ruiter, H.-P., Meittunen, E., & Sauder, K. (2001). Improving Safety for caregivers through collaborative practice. Journal of Healthcare Safety, Compliance and Infection Control, 5(2).
- Kummeth, P., de Ruiter, H.-P., & Capelle, S. (2001). Developing a Nursing Assistant Model: Having the Right Person Perform the Right Job. MedSurg Nursing, 10(5), 255-263.
- Meittunen, E., de Ruiter, H.-P., & McCormack, H. (2000). The use of a data collection instrument to drive patient transfer risk control decisions. Journal of Healthcare Safety, Compliance & Infection Control, 4(7), 305-309.
- de Ruiter, H-P (2007) Guest Editorial: Hans, Voices, and Hearts. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 24, 63
- de Ruiter, H-P. (2006). Lifting devices revisited: Safer for nurses--but what about the patients? The American Journal of Nursing, 106(9), 13.
Chapters in Books
- de Ruiter et al Chapter 6 "Cultural and Diversity aspects of Health and Illness Care needs" in Denham, S., Eggenberger, S., Young, P., & Krumwiede, N. (2015). Family-focused nursing care. FA Davis.
- de Ruiter, H-P, de Ruiter M B Safe Patient Handing (Nelson, A editor) Chapter , Preventing injuries when taking care of Special Needs Patients , Springer Publishing 2006
Book Reviews
- de Ruiter, H-P The Rise of Mental Health Nursing: A History of Psychiatric Care in Dutch Asylums, 1890-1920 (review) Bulletin of the History of Medicine – 78(3), Fall 2004, 727-728 – Review