Getting Started with Your MavPlan

  • Consult with an academic advisor to learn and understand how to navigate your current place of progress on the MavPlan.
  • Use the legend on the bottom of the documents to help identify whether a class you want to move might be offered only in spring, only fall, or only in summer semesters. If there is no notiation next to a class, it is safe to assume it is commonly available every fall and spring semester.
  • Also use the legend to help identify when Pre-requisites are needed.  Before moving a class on a plan, be sure you have it planned to meet the pre-requisite courses first.
  • Students only have access to 1/200 level courses until they have been accepted into their majors. Please refer to your academic catalog for admissions requirements on acceptance to your major.
  • The lefthand side lists all of the general education requirements--if something is already typed in, it means that the major requires a class that meets that goal area/gen. ed. requirement. Blank areas mean you get to select something of your choice to fulfill that requirement.
  • Read the Advising Notes section on the bottom left hand carefully.
  • Consult with an academic advisor regarding your personalized MavPlan and use it as a guide come registration each semester.  Remember that course offerings are tentative and subject to change based on a variety of factors, so it is important to remain flexible in using your MavPlan as a guide and not a "set-in-stone" contract with yourself.
  • If you are a pre-professional student pursuing Pre-Athletic Training, Pre-Occupational Therapy, or Pre-Physical Therapy, consult the Academic Catalog for general program requirements. Work closely with the Allied Health Advising Team and your Faculty Advisor to ensure you are taking the proper prerequisite courses to prepare for your graduate program.