Sports Medicine Minor

Sports Medicine is intended for students who are interested in the broad field of Sports Medicine. While available to any student, it is ideal for students pursuing healthcare-related fields or study in the following academic disciplines: pre-athletic training, pre-physical therapy, pre-medicine, pre-chiropractic, exercise science, physical education, coaching, psychology, nutrition, and nursing. The minor provides students with foundational knowledge in concepts of fitness, first aid, prevention and care of athletic-related injuries and illnesses, and therapeutic interventions and rehabilitation. The goal is to provide interested students, from a variety of backgrounds with the academic background and the opportunity to further develop interest in Sports Medicine related topics and issues.

Current Catalog Year
Years 2024-2025
Total Credits

Program Requirements


This course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to respond and perform in an emergency to help sustain life, reduce pain, and minimize the consequences of injury or sudden illness. This course includes an advanced level of First Aid certification, including bloodborne pathogens, and all aspects of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillation (CPR/AED) for the Emergency Medical Responder.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-11

Adult fitness, from theory to practice.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-11

Basic recognition, prevention, and care of injuries/illnesses suffered by athletes and other physically active individuals. Designed for coaching, physical education, and sports medicine minor students.

Prerequisites: HLTH 210

This course is designed for individuals interested in advanced study in the field of sports medicine. The course will provide advanced study or orthopaedic assessment techniques, application of therapeutic exercise and modalities, and rehabilitation techniques.Spring, Summer

Prerequisites: BIOL 220, HLTH 210, HP 340

Restricted Electives

Anatomy and Physiology - Students must choose 1 option based on their major requirements.

Option 1

This course is designed for nursing and allied health sciences majors and will prepare them for advanced coursework in their majors. The course will focus on human anatomy and physiology with emphasis on the structure and function of the systems of the body. Special emphasis will be placed on cell structure and function, tissues, metabolism and major organ systems including the integumentary system, the skeletal system, joints, muscle and muscular system, and nervous system, and special senses. Lab included with dissection.

Prerequisites: none

This course is designed for nursing and allied health sciences majors and will prepare them for advanced coursework in their majors. This course will focus on human anatomy and physiology with emphasis on the structure and function of the systems of the body. Special emphasis will be placed on cells, tissues, structure and function of major organ systems including endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems, and development. Lab included with dissection.

Prerequisites: none

Option 2 - Choose if appropriate for your major.

Systems and regional approach to the structure of the human body. Primary emphasis on gross anatomy supported by 3-dimensional models and animal dissections, with additional emphasis on cell and tissue-level anatomy supported by histological examination. The course is designed for students majoring in biology programs. Lab included.

Prerequisites: BIOL 105

Principles of functions of human cells, organs, and systems with an emphasis on organ/system interactions. This course is designed for students majoring in biology, chemistry, or related sciences, and medically-related areas. Includes a laboratory with a research and medical emphasis.

Prerequisites: BIOL 220, CHEM 104 or CHEM 106 or CHEM 111 or CHEM 201

Introduction Course - Students must choose 1 option. Exercise Science majors must choose option 2.

Option 1

This course will introduce the field of sports medicine and healthcare careers involved in sports medicine (e.g., athletic trainer, orthopedic surgeon, sports physical therapist, sports orthotist, registered sports dietician, sports medicine physician, certified sport psychologist, licensed psychologist, sports strength and conditioning coach) and will familiarize students with majors and minors that can lead to a career in sports medicine. Students will become familiar with issues that span healthcare professions such as cultural competence, ethics, professionalism, credentialing, patient centered care and interprofessional care delivery. And students will be introduced to resources on campus that can help them accomplish their educational goals.

Prerequisites: none

Option 2 - For Exercise Science Majors

This course will introduce exercise science and practitioner-based professions (e.g., athletic trainer, biomechanist, chiropractor, exercise physiologist, medical doctor, occupational therapist, personal trainer, physical therapist, physician's assistant, podiatrist, registered dietician, sport psychologist, strength coach). It will acquaint students with opportunities within related majors, minors, and an overview of exercise science and practitioner-based career options. Academic planning for undergraduate programs, in addition to strategies for gaining admission to exercise science and practitioner-based graduate studies programs, will be included.

Prerequisites: none

Pathomechanics - Students must choose 1 option. Exercise Science majors must choose option 2.

Option 1

This course will prepare students to identify pathomechanics in physically active people. Pathomechanics are motions leading to injury. Students will understand the foundational concepts of biomechanics and kinesiology, including the origin, insertion, action, and innervation of muscles and how to identify kinetic and kinematic forces that may result in injury during physical activity. Students will then apply this knowledge in an analysis of motion to identify potentially injury causing mechanics.

Prerequisites: none

Option 2 - For Exercise Science Majors

A study of the skeletal muscles, attachment sites, and muscle actions as they relate to physical activity, sport, and exercise. In addition, strength training concepts and techniques will be explored.

Prerequisites: BIOL 220

This course will examine the biomechanical basis of human movement as well as the use of movement analysis technologies. Application to activities of daily living, sport, and exercise will be investigated.

Prerequisites: HP 363