Frequently Asked Questions

What are your hours? Where are you located? Is there a fee for parking?

Hours: Because we affiliated with Minnesota State University, Mankato, our public dental clinic hours are based on class schedules. Please check our hours and give us a call if you have any questions!

Location and Parking: The Minnesota State University, Mankato public dental clinic is located at 150 South Road, Clinical Sciences Building (CSB), Mankato, MN 56001. Parking for dental clinic patients is free, however it must be validated. When you arrive at the Dental Clinic, park in Lot 5 or 5A (right outside of the Clinical Sciences Building). Please call the receptionist upon arrival at 507-389-2147 and provide your car license plate number to validate your parking. The clinic itself is located on the ground level, right inside the main doors.

What services are provided?

The Dental Clinic provides a variety of services at reasonable prices, including:

  • Dental Screenings
  • X-Rays
  • Teeth Cleanings (Dental Hygiene Appointments)
  • Tooth Whitening
  • Study Models/Mouth Guards
  • Fluoride Treatments
  • Pit and Fissure Sealants
  • Periodontal Therapy (Scaling and Root Planing)
  • Oral Cancer Screenings
  • Blood Pressure Recordings

How much do services cost? Do I need to have insurance?

Our services cost less than what private dental clinics charge. And, depending on your income, you may qualify for sliding fees and/or a grant based fees. Please call 507-389-2147 for more information about costs.

We do accept dental insurance and ask that you always bring a copy of your dental (not medical) insurance card with you to the appointment. We also accept other forms of dental insurance, including:

  • Medical Assistance
  • Doral/U–Care
  • Blue Plus
  • MnCare
  • Delta Dental
  • Other dental insurances

Again, be sure to bring your dental insurance card. Essential information for insurance processing:

  • Legal name of subscriber (policy holder/who has the insurance)
  • How is the patient related to the Subscriber? (father, mother, husband, wife, self, etc.)
  • Subscriber's Insurance ID numbers (individual and group ID#)
  • Subscriber's Birthdate
  • Address of subscriber
  • Phone number of subscriber
  • Employer of subscriber

Who can use the public dental clinic? Are there age or income restrictions for patients?

The public dental clinic at Minnesota State Mankato is open to all - there are no age or income restrictions.

What can I expect during my appointment?

Our students and faculty are here to provide you a welcoming, friendly and professional visit in our state-of-the-art facility. As a teaching clinic, we offer discounted rates to those who are willing to invest a bit of their time helping give dental hygiene students experience.

What should I bring to my appointment?

Please bring your dental insurance card and new patient forms if needed.

Are students supervised while working on my teeth?

Yes! Your dental care is performed by students under the careful supervision of clinical faculty. Depending on the type of visit, students may complete assessments of the patient's oral condition, provide services, and/or educate patients about maintaining or improving oral health.