Susan Herrmann
Susan earned her master’s degree in social work from the Worden School of Social Service at Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, Texas. The last 30-years of professional practice includes domestic and transnational social work in such settings as residential treatment, outpatient, day treatment, home-based intervenEons, and child welfare. A veteran of the USAF, Susan has also worked for the Veteran’s Administration and is an advocate for those who struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder. She directs a non-governmental organization that provides direct aid to those afflicted with Agent Orange (dioxin)-related maladies in Danang, Vietnam and formerly directed a critical service-learning, study abroad program where American university students engaged in 5-general educaEon courses to build bridges of friendship and cooperation in the aftermath of the American War of Aggression in Vietnam.
Susan earned her Ph.D. in Human and OrganizaEonal Systems from Fielding Graduate University in 2017. Her dissertation, “ExploraEons of Global Consciousness, From Emergence Toward Integration” focused on the long term, transformative impact that the Vietnam Program had on students at different points post sojourn. The findings of the study have been integrated into her current clinical practice where she is utilizing worldview reflections as a decolonizing psychotherapeutic methodology. She is conducting research and conceptualizing how Indigenous Worldview provides a roadmap for sustainable mental health and general wellbeing.