Omotola Akinsola, Assistant Professor

Address: 344 Wissink Hall
Phone: 507-389-1096


Omotola holds a master’s from George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis. She focused on nonprofit development, social enterprise development & management, grant writing, and fundraising during her master’s and received a specialization in social entrepreneurship. She earned a bachelor’s in social work with a double minor in leadership studies and psychology from Columbia College. Omotoa’s Ph.D dissertation is on “Reducing Unemployment in Nigeria: Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as Potential Change Tools.

She founded JumpStart Dream Academy, a nonprofit organization in Nigeria that works with youth to develop them into agents of positive change. She has worked and consulted for various nonprofit organizations in different capacities such as creating and designing programs, evaluating programs, structuring nonprofits to run effective, budgeting, grant proposal writing and reviews, and coming up with fundraising strategies.


  • Ph.D. - University of Tennessee Knoxville
  • MSW- Washington University in St. Louis
  • BA- Columbia College


Her interests are in:

  • Educational & Economic Disparities
  • Youth Unemployment in Developing Countries
  • Homelessness
  • Community Development
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Nonprofit Development & Management
  • Technical & vocational Education & Training (TVET)
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