Jennifer Parker, Director of MSW Practicum Education

Address: 347 Wissink Hall
Phone: 507-389-1271

Jennifer Parker’s social work journey began in Colorado, were she achieved her Master in Social Work from Colorado State University, in 1991.  Her social work career began in child welfare where she worked as a Child and Family Therapist. Later, she ventured into private practice, specializing in Trauma-informed interventions and early childhood interventions, such as experiential play therapy and Filial play therapy working with children and families.  

Transition to academia, Jennifer’s career took a new direction when she became a field instructor, eventually ascending to the role of a Faculty Field Liaison and Field Coordinator.  Her tenure at Colorado State University (CSU) in Fort Collins marked the beginning of her academic journey.  Jennifer’s leadership grew as she directed the Colorado Collaborative Partnership and served as Assistant Director of Field Education at CSU until 2014.  In pursuit of her passion, she joined Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2014 as the MSW Field Director.  Her commitment to education was further evident when she briefly embraced the role of Practicum Education Director and College Associate Professor at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM.

Now, Jennifer is excitedly returning to the Department of Social Work at MSU, Mankato, as the MSW Practicum Director, bringing with her a wealth of experience and knowledge.  Outside of her professional achievements, she finds solace in creating fused glass art, biking and exploring new places through travel. 

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