Kate Glogowski
Name: Kate Glogowski, M.A. CCC-SLP, CHSE
Address: 150 South Road, Clinical Sciences Building
Phone: 507-389-1604
Email: katherine.glogowski@mnsu.edu
- Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, May 2024
- Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, May 1999
- M.A. in Communication Sciences & Disorders, University of South Dakota, May 1998
- B.S. University of South Dakota, May 1996
- Licensure in Speech-Language Pathology, State of Minnesota Department of Health (May 2016-present)
Teaching: Kate is currently serving in her role as the Workforce Simulation Center for the Maverick Family Nursing Simulation Center. Previously, she served as Clinic Director for the Center for Communication Sciences and Disorders in the Department of Speech Hearing & Rehab Services at MNSU. Her goals are to collaborate with other professionals in the field to provide real-world learning experiences, to advance healthcare providers in the field, and to further develop Interprofessional (IPE) opportunities through a variety of clinical simulations.
Previous Courses Taught:
- CDIS 695 Graduate Clinical Practicum: Communication Disorders
- CDIS 698 Graduate Clinical Internship in Speech-Language Pathology
Areas of Interest:
- Medical Simulation
- Speech-Language Pathology areas of Interest: Apraxia of speech, Dysphagia (Pediatric)- Feeding and Swallowing, Oromyofunctional disorders and Tethered Oral Tissues including follow-up care
Agarwal, K., Bohlke, T., Dohm, M., Glogowski, K., Sachau, D. (March 2024). Leveraging Workplace Development Grants to Create University Business Partnerships The Journal of Higher Education Management (JHEM).
Dohm, M., Glogowski, K., Kleve, E. & Paulsen, S. (14, June 2023). Building strategic partnerships to fulfill critical nursing needs using skills and simulation. Podium Presentation at Imagining the Future of Simulation, INACSL 23, Providence, RI.
Doherty, K., Glogowski, K., Kleve, E., Sanger, J. (September 2023) Building Rural Community Partnerships-Removing Post Acute Care Discharge Barriers. Podium Presentation at Transforming Rural and Community Healthcare Symposium at Mayo Clinic Health System, Rochester
(2024-present) MNSU-Mayo Clinic Research Council, Interim Co-Chair
(2024-present MNSU-Mayo Clinic Education Council, Member
(2021 – present). Simulation Advisory Board (SAB), Chair
(2023 – present). Simulation Steering Committee (SSC), Member
(2023 – present). International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning, Member
(2023 – present). Society for Simulation in Healthcare (application in process), Member
(1998-present) American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Member
SWMN Mayo Clinic Health System-Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota Job Skills Partnership Grant (March 2024)
Ecumen Pathstone Living-SWMN Mayo Clinic Health System-Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota Job Skills Partnership Grant (February 2023).
Parkinson’s Voice Project SPEAK OUT! / LOUD Crowd Grant (2019). Free SPEAK OUT!, LOUD Crowd Training for 2 Speech-Language Pathologists and all Graduate Students, materials for SPEAK OUT! / LOUD Crowd program
Parkinson’s Voice Project SPEAK OUT! / LOUD Crowd Grant (2019-2020). $500 to be used to support the LOUD Crowd
Parkinson’s Voice Project SPEAK OUT! / LOUD Crowd Grant (2020-2021)
Employee Achievement Award in recognition for contributions made to the University’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. (2021)