About the Minor
The Applied Health Science Minor is for students interested in the field of health and seeking to support their current major. By choosing from courses encompassing a wide variety of health topics, students can focus on specific areas of interest and tailor their selections to meet professional goals.
Policies for the Applied Health Science Minor
Grade Policy: Health Science minors are required to earn a “C-” or better in all core and elective courses.
GPA Policy: 2.5 GPA for the minor.
Academic Integrity Policy
The Department of Health Science values and supports an environment conducive to learning as well as academic integrity. Therefore, students are expected to comply with Minnesota State Mankato student responsibilities and policies for academic integrity. Academic integrity includes meeting ones responsibilities in an honest and forthright manner and avoiding acts of dishonesty, plagiarism, cheating, collusion, and other forms of academic misconduct. An act of dishonesty, cheating, collusion, and/or any other form of academic misconduct will result in a 0 on the assessment and a full letter grade deduction from the final course grade (e.g., “A-” to “B-”). An act of plagiarism will result in a 0 on the assessment or assessments and the student will be required to meet with the chair of the Department of Health Science and receive remediation related to plagiarism. Two acts of dishonesty, cheating, collusion, and/or any other form of academic misconduct and/or an act of plagiarism after remediation will result in a final course grade of “F”. Evidence related to any act of academic misconduct will be submitted to the Chairperson of the Department of Health Science. Two acts of academic misconduct or a repeated act of plagiarism after remediation in any Health Science course or courses will result in discontinuance from, or eligibility to enroll in, the academic programs offered by the Department of Health Science. Additionally, evidence related to academic misconduct will be submitted, as appropriate, to the Office of Academic Affairs and and/or the College of Education. Please note: Policy reflects minimum departmental standards. Individual instructors may impose more severe sanctions for an act of academic dishonesty within their courses.