
Practicum education is the capstone experience of the BSSW and MSW Programs in the Department of Social Work.  Practicum and seminar courses prepare students to become competent and effective social workers. The practicum program, along with collaboration from community partners, provide students real-life opportunities to engage with client systems applying coursework, while receiving practicum instruction from an experienced social work professional.

The practicum education program believes the journey through practicum and seminar is the blend and balance of the heart, mind, and hands.  Students bring their hearts to social work through their passion to change and influence individuals, families, and communities. Then, they develop their minds by studying social work theories, practice, and research. They become great problem solvers and scholars. Finally, students merge their hearts and minds to the final step in the voyage; engaging themselves in the practice (hands) of social work. This unique journey is the foundation of social work education that elevates it to be the signature pedagogy.