David Beimers, Professor
David Beimers joined the faculty at Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2008. He completed his doctoral work at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. His areas of specialization include: Welfare Reform, research methods, program evaluation, employment and training programs, Supported Employment, and survey design. He teaches in both the BSW and MSW programs.
Selected Publications
- Beimers, D. (in press). NASW involvement in legislative advocacy. Journal of Policy Practice.
- Beimers, D. (accepted). Legislative advocacy days: Building political self-efficacy in social work students. Journal of Policy Practice.
- Beimers, D., Carter, T., & Black-Hughes, C. (2013). Are BSW students prepared to address substance abuse in clients? Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 18, 197-216.
- Beimers, D., Warner, B., & Mackie, P. (2013). Diversity in undergraduate social work programs: How are rural programs faring? Contemporary Rural Social Work.
- Beimers, D. & Gatlin, E. (2011). Supported Employment in rural settings: Implications for mental health practice. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 35(2), 3-11.
- Beimers, D. & Coulton, C. (2011). Do employment and type of exit influence child maltreatment among families leaving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families? Children and Youth Services Review. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2011.02.002
- Beimers, D., Biegel, D. E., Guo, S., & Stevenson, L. D. (2010). Employment entry through Supported Employment: Influential factors for clients with co-occurring mental and substance disorders. Best Practices in Mental Health: An International Journal, 6(2), 85-102.
- Fischer, R. & Beimers, D. (2009). “Put me in, Coach” – Evaluating Executive Coaching in the Nonprofit Sector. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 19(4), 507-522.
- Beimers, D. & Fischer, R. (2007). Pathways to employment: The experiences of TANF recipients with employment services agencies in the journey from welfare to work. Families in Society 88(3), 391-400.