Academic and Field Requirements for the MSW Child Welfare Program

Upon accepting the Child Welfare Title IV-E stipend at any point in your MSW career, you are obligated to complete all associated programmatic requirements each semester you are in the program.

Academic Requirements

  • Maintain good academic standing in your MSW coursework.
  • Focus on child welfare within MSW courses.
  • Complete SOWK 653: Advanced Practice in Child Welfare in the fall semester of your Specialization year.
  • Engage in specialized academic, career, and professional development Child Welfare advising with the MSW Child Welfare Program Faculty Coordinator.
  • Complete 8-10 hours of professional development during each of the fall and spring semesters, and 4-5 during the summer semester.
  • Complete through the Minnesota Department of Human Services Child Welfare Training Academy (CWTA) required workshops during the specialization year.

Field Placement Requirements

MSW CWP students must seek and accept at least one field practicum in county or tribal child welfare setting. Placements that meet the child welfare setting standard include child protection services, investigation and assessment, foster care, and adoption in county or tribal agencies. Field practicum exclusively with adults or non-child welfare county or tribal agencies will not meet the CWP requirements for the field practicum.

If you have substantial (5 years or more) experience in county, state, or tribal child welfare services, you may be granted an exemption from this requirement. If you are granted an exemption, you would complete the field practicum in an approved child serving agency.