Family Consumer Science Education (GC)

This certification program provides the professional who already has a teaching degree or who is working on a graduate teaching degree with the necessary courses to meet the MN standards for teacher licensure in Family Consumer Science Education for grades 5-12. Credits may be transferable to a degree graduate program or utilized by current teachers for teaching contract lane changes. The certificate meets the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) standards for 18 graduate credits in-discipline for individuals who hold a master's degree and are seeking to expand their education to teach FCS courses at a community or technical college.

Current Catalog Year
Years 2024-2025
Major / Total Credits
25 / 25

Program Requirements

Common Core

Graduate-level students are provided historical and present-day perspectives on policies that impact underserved families locally, nationally, and internationally. Students will employ, critique, and create family policy adaptations/impact analyses using relevant and applicable theory. This course will advance graduate student knowledge for careers in family policy as well as becoming an ethically minded advocate/professional. Students will be provided a variety of opportunities to develop their knowledge and professional writing skills in the subject matter.

Prerequisites: none

.This course is designed to examine and explore the major concepts in nutrition, food preparation, handling, and storage for individuals and families. Includes global food sources and the cultural and political aspects of food and nutrition and how they impact communities.

Prerequisites: none

This course will evaluate design as it relates to the function and aesthetics found in diverse homes, clothing and other consumer goods.

Prerequisites: none

Application of economic theories and models that serve as the foundation for research in consumer economics. Course readings will cover theories along with empirical applications.

Prerequisites: none

Application of theory and practice for career and technical education programming.

Prerequisites: none

A systems perspective on parent-child relationship. This course covers parent-child issues during the stages of human development. It also focuses on special needs children and families, cross-cultural issues, and family violence. Emphasis is on research and theory and parenting education strategies. F

Prerequisites: none

Students will learn about the structures, dynamics, and diverse features of families in the US. Course material will address the reciprocal nature of relationships between family and community, the effects of social change, and technological advances on families by taking into account cultural and ethnic considerations. The social aspects of sexual development of children, adolescents and adults will be addressed.

Prerequisites: none

Analysis of curriculum trends in family consumer science education programs including career and technical education programs. Application of curriculum development principles.

Prerequisites: none

This course will explore theory, concepts, and procedures required for Family Consumer Science educators to prepare them for incorporating experiential education in child development and family studies; foods and nutrition; clothing and textiles; housing; consumerism; and independent living when teaching students in grades 5-12.

Prerequisites: none